Boima bo boima ba 10 Ton Pipe Welding Positioner Automatic With Digital Speed Control Display
✧ Kenyelletso
1. Elbow welding positioner e haholo-holo e entsoe ka worktable rotating unit le tilting unit le tsamaiso ea motlakase taolo .
2. Ka ho sekamisoa ka enjene le ho bilika, sets'oants'o sa setsoe se ka etsa hore karolo ea ho sebetsa e be boemong bo loketseng ba mosebetsi.
3. Worktable rotation e laoloa ke mohato o fokolang khafetsa phetoho ho finyella lebelo le molemo ka ho fetisisa la welding.
4. Ho sebelisa lebokose la taolo ea hole ho hlokomela ts'ebetso e hole ea tafole ea mosebetsi, hape e ka hokahana le mechini e sebetsang ho hlokomela ts'ebetso ea khokahano.
5. Beha ka thoko segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo ho hlokomela ho hokahanya mosebetsi le manipulator le leketlileng othomathike tjheseletsa ho fihlella setsing sa tjheseletsa othomathike.
6. Indasteri ea kopo e kenyeletsang sekepe sa khatello, metallurgy, matla a motlakase, indasteri ea lik'hemik'hale, mohaho oa mechine le oa tšepe.
✧ Tlhaloso ea sehlooho
Mohlala | AHVPE-10 |
Bokhoni ba ho Fetola | 10000kg boholo |
Tafole bophara | 2000 limilimithara |
Bophahamo bo bohareng fetola | Bukana ka bolt / Hydraulic |
Enjene ea ho potoloha | 3 kw |
Lebelo la ho potoloha | 0.05-0.5 rpm |
Enjene e sekametseng | 4 kw |
Lebelo le sekameng | 0.14 rpm |
Sekepe se sekameng | 0~90°/ 0~120 °degree |
Max.Bohole bo sa tsitsang | 200 limilimithara |
Max.Bohole ba matla a khoheli | 400 limilimithara |
Palo ea li-volts | 380V±10% 50Hz 3Phase |
Tsamaiso ea taolo | Remoutu cable 8m |
Mmala | Customized |
Tiisetso | 1 selemo |
Dikgetho | Welding chuck |
Tafole e tshekaletseng | |
3 axis hydraulic positioner |
✧ Likarolo tsa Spare Brand
Bakeng sa khoebo ea machabeng, Weldsuccess e sebelisa mofuta o mong le o mong o tsebahalang oa likarolo tse ling ho netefatsa li-rotator tsa welding ka nako e telele li sebelisa bophelo.Esita le li-spare parts tse robehileng ka mor'a lilemo tse ngata hamorao, mosebelisi le eena a ka nkela likarolo tse setseng habonolo 'marakeng oa lehae.
1.Frequency changer e tsoa ho mofuta oa Damfoss.
2.Motor e tsoa ho mofuta oa Invertek kapa ABB.
3.Electric elements ke letšoao la Schneider.
✧ Sistimi ea ho laola
1.Ka tloaelo mochine oa welding o nang le lebokose la ho laola letsoho le ho fetola maoto.
2.Lebokose le le leng la letsoho, mosebeletsi a ka laola Rotation Forward, Rotation Reverse, Emergency Stop mesebetsi, hape a na le pontšo ea lebelo la ho potoloha le mabone a matla.
3.All welding positioner electric cabinet e entsoeng ke Weldsuccess Ltd ka boeona.Lintho tse ka sehloohong tsa motlakase li tsoa ho Schneider.
4.Ka linako tse ling re ne re etsa welding positioner ka taolo ea PLC le li-gearbox tsa RV, tse ka sebetsang hammoho le roboto hape.
✧ Tsoelo-pele ea Tlhahiso
WELDSUCCESS e le moetsi, re hlahisa li-rotator tsa welding ho tloha ho lipoleiti tsa pele tsa tšepe tsa ho itšeha, li-welding, phekolo ea mechine, likoti tsa ho phunya, kopano, ho penta le tlhahlobo ea ho qetela.
Ka tsela ena, re tla laola ts'ebetso eohle ea tlhahiso e tlas'a ISO 9001: Sistimi ea taolo ea boleng ba 2015.Hape etsa bonnete ba hore bareki ba rona ba tla fumana lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo.